Presents main concepts, mechanisms and difficulties of current programming languages, which are illustrated in C++11 and Java. Also provides an introduction to Java Swing and event programming. A large part is devoted to practical work. Topics: programming paradigms, object-oriented programming, polymorphism, generic programming, lambdas, memory management, pointers and references, constness, graphical user interfaces, event management, MVC.
TP-INF224-P2Programming paradigms: theory and practice
NoteA French version of this class is available in P3
This course presents methods and techniques for developing dynamic, modern, robust, safe websites. Topics: Internet and the Web, basic Web languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), rich dynamic content, server-side programming and frameworks, client-side and AJAX frameworks, website security.
This course presents methods and techniques for developing dynamic, modern, robust, safe websites. Topics: Internet and the Web, basic Web languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), rich dynamic content, server-side programming and frameworks, client-side and AJAX frameworks, website security.
Principles, Protocols and advanced techniques for Audio-Visual content delivery. Associated Web Technologies: HTML5 video, Media Source Extension, Encrypted Media Extension, XHR/Fetch